The Mail Force Charity has raised over £10 million in only 16 days, after the launch of the Computers for Kids campaign to help locked-down pupils study from home.
The Charity has also been boosted by donations of laptops from Lloyds, Sainsbury’s, Santander and Dixons Carphone, with a combined estimated value of £1.4 million.
Cash donations from companies including Camelot, Boohoo and The Hut Group, have also contributed to the overall value of pledges which has surpassed £10.1 million.
The campaign is in conjunction with the Department for Education, which is on a drive to supply 1.3 million devices. As well as refurbished laptops, Mail Force will supply new computers and is looking at other ways of helping pupils with online access.
The project has been welcomed by teachers, parents, unions and large companies across the country.

Mail Force has published its Annual Report and Accounts for the period ending 30 April 2023
The Report includes the Charities key highlights for the year, how money was raised and spent, operational highlights and financial information. The Annual Report for